截至 2012 年底,中国内地的 17 个城市拥有 城市轨道交通运营线路共 64 条,总长 2 008 km。统计 这些运营线路的名称、里程、最新运营时间等情况,并 对统计口径和特别情况给予说明。给出 2012 年中国 城市轨道交通运营线路的增长情况、各城市的运营线 路数量和里程排序。通过与以往年度的对比,结合在 建线路情况,分析未来中国内地各城市轨道交通运营 线路的发展趋势。
[Key word]
Until the end of 2012, there are 17 cities with urban rail transit lines in operation in China. The total number of these lines is 64 and the total length is 2 008 km. Statistical data such as name, length and the opening date are given. Meanwhile, the statistical standards and special conditions are also interpreted in the paper. The number and the length of transit lines in each city are sorted. Growth and uneven distribution of the lines in operation are introduced.
中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助( 2011JBM337) ; 国家科技支撑计划项目( 2011BAG01B01