立足于苏州市的现状,提出“轨道交通枢纽整 体功能定位—站点换乘设施布局—公交网络衔接优 化—一体化保障体系”四位一体的系统发展思路,为提 高苏州市轨道交通网络化建设和运营管理水平提供指 导,对国内其他大城市树立轨道交通与地面交通一体 化衔接提供借鉴。
[Key word]
Authors of the paper proposed the development of an integrated city transportation system in Suzhou city in line with the city conditions. The system involves four aspects including: general function orientation of the rail transit hub, layout of transfer facilities, optimization of the connectivity of the city’s public traffic networks and security system. Suzhou will be one of the first cities to build an integrated system including both urban rail transit and surface traffic modes and will serve as a good example for other big cities in China.
国家 973 计划项目( 2012CB725402) ; 国家自然基金项 目( 51178109)