北京地铁 6 号线是北京轨道交通线网中的东 西干线,通过对该线换乘车站方案的思路和实践的论 述,介绍不同换乘车站方案的研究情况,重点分析如何 兼顾以人为本和适应现场条件进行地铁车站设计,从 而提出平衡的设计方案,为今后换乘车站的设计提供 借鉴。
[Key word]
Beijing metro Line 6 is the east-west artery in the rail transit network. Through exploring the ideas and practice of several different interchange station options of metro Line 6, the author analyzed how to combine the actual conditions with the people-oriented idea, and proposed a balanced design option which may be of help to interchange station design.
U231 + . 1
2009 年国家重点工程项目( 发改基础{ 2009} 2821 号)