基于地铁A型车的模型,通过牵引计算从运行时分、旅行速度、运行能耗等角度,研究不同线路条件下80、100、120、140、160km/h等最高运营速度的运营效果,得到不同线路条件下适宜采用的速度值。对具体线路最高运营速度进行合理选择,采用无量纲化的综合评价方法。以北京市规划建设的某条市域快线最高运营速度的选择为例进行分析,表明北京市市域快线140 km/h速度等级在理论上是比较合理的。
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Based on the metro vehicle of A style, the paper calculates the operational performance, including operation time, traveling speed and energy consumption of regional express railway under five maximum operation speeds (80km/h、100km/h、120km/h、140km/h、160km/h), and concluded the reasonable speeds of different average distance between stations. Dimensionless method is introduced in the comprehensive evaluation of specific lines. The simulation results of a regional express railway of Beijing which plans to build show that 140km/h is an appropriate maximum operation speed for Beijing regional express railway.