新加坡地铁公司作为地铁行业内最为安全的代表,为更加有效地管理日常的HSE(健康、安全、环境)业务,促进公司内部各部门之间的协作,进行大量、有益的实践,将自身的HSE管理体系和方式与DNV GL的QHSE综合管理信息系统(synergi life)进行有机融合,探索出一条借助于信息化手段提高日常HSE管理的新方法,从而实现公司HSE日常管理的信息化和高效化。新加坡地铁的HSE信息化管理新方式对轨道交通行业起到很好的示范作用。对地铁运营中的事故及安全隐患进行说明,介绍新加坡地铁公司HSE管理信息化,并对失效和延误及事故管理作重点介绍,将其与传统的事故管理进行对比,最后提出针对城市轨道交通行业日常HSE管理信息化的思考,以期对国内地铁行业的HSE管理提供帮助。
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With the construction of subway in many cities in China, it becomes more and more important in people’s daily life and transportation. Compared to advanced operation management in abroad subway companies, it’s relatively under-developed in HSE operational management in China. Considering the importance of operation safety, which is related to city’s reputation and personal safety, it’s vital for rail transit corporate and society to how to explore a scientific and efficient HSE management method, especially integration with HSE system and continuous improvement and operation in HSE management. As the most advanced and safety subway company- SMRT company, does a number of work, and uses HSE information system (Synergi Life, a QHSE information system from DNV GL) to manage the related HSE business. Failure and delay and Incident management, as a key point, are introduced and compared with previously accident management, some values are shown in this paper. At last, several consideration and suggestion are provided and hoped to help improve the level of HSE management in city rail transit field.