随着地铁线网的加密,以及客流的快速增长,在工程建设中,出现了越来越多的客流大、编组长、换乘线路多的大规模车站,共用站厅超规范的5 000㎡不可避免。经过分析认为,地铁规范关于“换乘车站共用站厅不超5 000㎡”只适用6B编组的两线换乘车站,通过对不同编组、不同数量换乘线路的换乘车站站厅规模的研究,以及对其他城市实际案例调研分析,从保证消防安全的角度探讨更适应实际工程设计的规模标准,提出大面积车站应加强消防措施。
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Many large subway stations, which can handle large passenger flows, longer train marshalling, and multiple transfer lines, have been built in order to accommodate the rising passenger numbers and the increase of subway lines. As a result, the shared station hall covers an area of over 5,000 square meters, exceeding the allowed standard. Research indicates that the regulation that “the area of a shared station hall space should not be larger than 5,000 square meters” is only applicable to the double line transfer station which has 6B train marshalling scheme. The sizes of the station halls of different transfer stations with different numbers of lines and different marshalling schemes are examined and case studies in different cities are conducted. A more applicable area standard for the station hall is discussed in terms of fire protection. It is proposed that fire protection should be strengthened for the large subway stations.