随着城镇化进程的加快,城市轨道交通既有线改造在促进城轨高质量发展和城市可持续发展方面具有重要的战略意义。既有线改造涉及专业面广、待解决问题复杂,过去以解决安全问题为主要目标的消隐改造、以部分专业为对象的专项改造已难以满足新时代既有线改造需求。因此,面对城市轨道交通高质量发展要求,亟须深入探讨我国城市轨道交通既有线改造发展路径。本文在梳理北京既有线改造历程的基础上,从面临的问题与实现的愿景两方面展开了对城市轨道交通既有线改造需求的分析,提出了既有线改造的整体思路,同时从城轨可持续发展方面创新地提出了既有线改造中的投融资思路,并从制度建设、要素活力、投融资机制、科技赋能、技术攻关、相关标准 6 个方面给出既有线改造工作建议,以期为我国城市轨道交通既有线改造提供思路。
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With rapid urbanization, the refurbishment of urban railway lines is crucial for advancing high-quality urban raildevelopment and sustainable urban growth. This refurbishment process presents a host of intricate professional challengesthat must be addressed. Meeting current requirements for line reconstruction while addressing safety issues and expandingbeyond traditional specialized fields is demanding. Therefore, it is essential to chart a development path for the transformation of existing urban rail transit lines in line with the needs of high-quality urban rail development. Drawing on the history ofBeijing’s line refurbishments, this study examines the challenges and future objectives of urban rail transit line refurbishmentand proposes comprehensive concepts for the rejuvenation process. Furthermore, we introduce an innovative approach toinvestment and financing for line refurbishments, focusing on sustainable urban rail development. We offer recommendationsfor the transformation of urban rail transit lines in China across six key areas: system development, vitality of components,investment and financing frameworks, technological empowerment, research and development, and relevant standards.