参考国际上较为通用的统计标准,将城市轨道交通分为地铁、轻轨和有轨电车三大类,对世界城轨交通运营现状进行统计。分析表明:截至 2023 年底,全球有 79 个国家和地区的 563 座城市开通了城市轨道交通系统,总里程超过 43 400.40 km,其中地铁、轻轨、有轨电车分别占 50.07%、10.69%和 39.24%;中国(含港澳台)累计有66 座城市开通运营轨道交通,运营里程达 11 900.29 km,其中中国内地运营里程 11 232.65 km。2022 年,全球 59 个国家的 183 座城市地铁累计运送乘客 586.52 亿人次,平均负荷强度 0.81 万人次/(km·d),其中中国(含港澳台)地铁年客流量为 212.51 亿人次。我国城市轨道交通持续稳步发展,线网规模和客流规模继续居全球第一。统计国务院52 号文件发布后的中国轨道交通的线网规模数据,预测低运量城市轨道交通系统将在中国内地有较好的发展前景,特别是中西部地区,以促进城市绿色、可持续发展。同时,根据疫情前后全球主要国家(地区)和城市的客流数据,预计中国内地客流量将在 2024—2025 年恢复至疫情前水平。
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This study employs prevalent international statistical standards to categorize urban rail transit into three types: metro,light rail, and tram. It presents a comprehensive statistical analysis of the current state of urban rail transit systems across theglobe. As of the close of 2023, urban rail transit systems have been established in 563 cities spanning 79 countries and regions,with a cumulative track length exceeding 43,400.40 km. Subways, light rails, and streetcars account for 50.07%, 10.69%, and39.24% of the total length, respectively. Notably, as of December 31, 2023, 66 cities in China (including Hong Kong, Macao,and Taiwan) have commenced rail transit operations, boasting a combined operational track length of 11,900.29 km, with Chinese mainland alone contributing 11,232.65 km to this total. In 2022, the metro systems in 183 cities across 59 countriesglobally handled a total of 58,652 million trips of passengers, representing an average ridership intensity of 0.81 trips per dayper kilometer. Specifically, China’s metro systems (including those of Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan) registered an annualpassenger traffic volume of 21.251 billion trips. The study underscores the steadfast advancement of China’s urban rail transitsystems, which consistently lead the world in both network scale and passenger traffic. Through an in-depth analysis of datasubsequent to the release of Document 52 by the State Council, this study anticipates a resurgence of low-capacity urban railtransit systems, particularly streetcars, in Chinese mainland, especially in the central and western regions, in a bid to driveenvironmentally sustainable urban development. Further, by drawing on data from major countries and cities worldwide,both pre- and post- pandemic, the study predicts a return of passenger traffic in Chinese mainland to pre-pandemic levelsby 2024-2025.